Sunday 13 May 2018


Rather a pretentious title, but I was kind of grasping at straws:) I am a foodie in the sense that I like to cook and experiment but most importantly, that it should taste as good as it possibly can – life is far too short to settle for anything less!
I want to put in a disclaimer at this point – I started the journal when I was diagnosed with T2D (Type 2 Diabetes) so that I could document my progress, anything new I learn, links to interesting/useful things and write successful recipes down. You should take advice from health care professionals as to what’s best for your own situation and always confirm any information about any changes you want to make by checking out more than one source. I’m sharing my experiences because I’ve been asked to and because I’m happy to share what I’ve learned. Be aware that as I’m learning, my thoughts are changing and some of what I was doing or not doing in the early days has changed, but this is the story of my journey and of course it's constantly evolving. If you are documenting a journey of your own, please leave me a comment so I can come and share yours too.
As I'm going along, I'm doing a tremendous amount of research and learning so much that I wish I'd known 40 years ago. What I'm learning is also relevent to my husband who has CHD so he has changed his diet too - quite contraversial, but he did what he was told for 24 years after his first stroke at the age of 40 in 1992, following the dietary advice and taking the medications prescribed and he still went on to have 3 more strokes, put on weight and has now developed CHD so we are evaluating a lot of information and he's changing what he does. He's already 24lbs lighter at the time of writing this (14/05/16) but it's early days and was a big decision to take so we would always advise that you find out as much as you can and evaluate the information for yourself but if you look under the blog header you will see some pages, keep an eye on these because it's where I'll be adding links that we've found useful and you can check them out and make up your own mind.

Each journal page has a link to the next and there are links to all the pages in the side bar so that you can read them all in the correct order if you want to.